The ExoTerra Team
Creators of the Imagination Lab
Ada Palmer
Associate Professor of History
Ada Palmer is both a historian and a science fiction and fantasy novelist. Her history research focuses on the history of radical thought in Europe, especially the Italian Renaissance and the relationship between new information technologies and new forms of censorship. As a writer, she is best known for her Terra Ignota series, beginning with the award-winning Too Like the Lightning, which explore a 25th century of commixing borderless nations, written in the style of an 18th century philosophical novel. For many years she has designed games and used gaming in for teaching and community building, and her simulation of the papal election of 1492 is well known on U Chicago's campus. She likes to explore the power of low-tech games, i.e. text-based and face-to-face games where, instead of expensive graphics which quickly become outdated, we call on the imagination to fill in the world, which in the mind's eye always looks just right.

Ben Indeglia
Student Assistant Orchestrator
Ben Indeglia is a rising third-year in the College, majoring in molecular engineering with a focus on biology. He helps run the ExoTerra project and Discord site, and with the overall planning of the game and storyline. Ben has created and run tabletop and online role-playing games, run LARPs on campus, and collaborated with Ada Palmer on other games, including her papal election simulation.

Clarissa Mullig
Student Assistant Orchestrator
Clarissa Mullig is a rising fourth-year in the College, majoring in Theater and Performance Studies with speecializations in playwriting and stage management. She helps run the ExoTerra project, with an emphasis in graphics, videos and in game document creation, while also assisting in the overarching story design of ExoTerra. Clarissa has played and collaborated in multiple tabletop RPGs and LARPs, including acting in Ada Palmer’s Papal Election Simulation.

Sky Yoo
Student Assistant Orchestrator
Sky Yoo is a rising fourth-year in the College, majoring in Computer Science and minoring in English and Creative Writing. She helps run the ExoTerra project, particularly managing the website. Sky has coded small RPGs using Unity, founded and maintains a creative writing blog, enjoys playing RPG strategy games, and especially loves worldbuilding for her pseudonymously published science fiction novels.
We will need more staff as the project advances. If interested, contact us.